Learn How to Read the River

Lisa Szentes, president of WFFI, and Mallory Wilson, membership chair of WFFI, will help us learn to “read the water” to identify where to fish for trout. Lisa and Mallory are advanced fly fishers with years of experience fishing and instructing.

Following a river as it winds through the landscape, you’ll learn to see specific patterns. “Reading the water” means you check out the stream above and below the surface and split it into smaller sections where fish are likely hanging out. Once you know what to look for, you can use those patterns to find trout. Lisa and Mallory will help us identify riffles, holes, runs, tailouts, eddies, and more. We’ll even go outside to the Boise River by Idaho Fish and Game to get real-time instruction.

WFFI members and nonmembers are welcome at our free monthly meetings/presentations.

Members, please register for planning purposes on MeetUp


Sep 18 2024


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Idaho Department of Fish and Game
600 S. Walnut, Boise, ID 83712


Alix Heath
QR Code


  1. Mallory Wilson says:

    It worked! Woohoo!

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