Bayhorse Lake with 5B Anglers July 10-13

PLEASE READ the entire event description before you RSVP!  Since we’ve moved away from MeetUp, our RSVP process has changed.

We’re teaming up with the 5B Angler Club ladies for a trip to Bayhorse Lake!  This is from 5B Angler’s Jill Clark about the area:  What to expect: we will be camping at Challis Hot Springs Campground in an open field area with no hookups. We will be able to enjoy the Hot Springs, but will not have access to electricity or water so we must be self-contained. We can get water out of the hose. You could bring a camper, trailer, or a tent set up and be fine. Other option would be going to the town of Challis and get a hotel room.  You’ll need a float tube, fins, a canoe or kayak or small oared boat, 5 weight rod, and a 4-wheel drive vehicle with good tires and high clearance.  There is a small grocery store in Challis and a few small restaurants, but all food will need to be self-contained as well.  There is also a nice small fly shop in Challis named The Bent Rod.  It might be possible to fish from shore or from the boat dock, but I know that the people who have access to deeper water always catch many more fish. We will likely fish big Bayhorse lake on the first day and little Bayhorse on the second day.

IDFG Fishing Planner – Bayhorse Lake

There are a couple different lodging options for this trip:
•  Camping.  As indicated above, we will be camping at the Challis Hot Springs Campground.  We have one group campsite reserved adjacent to the 5B Ladies (site 59C) at Challis Hot Springs State Park, site 60C.  It can accommodate 4 RVs and up to 16 people.  The cost for the group site is $200 and will be split among those who attend.  We reserve the right to reserve a second group campsite if more than 4 RVs or 16 people sign up, which will increase the total cost.

•  Hotels: As Jill Clark mentioned, there are hotels available in Challis.  There are also other rentals available on VRBO, Airbnb, etc.

•  Day trippers: You’re welcome to come join us for the day!  Please let us know what day you plan to come up.

What you’ll need:
•  Food, water, etc you’ll need for the weekend

•  Flies: We’ll update this closer to the trip.  Since this is a trout fishery, think chironomids, Wooly Buggers, leeches, etc.  Come prepared with some dry flies as well in case we see rising fish!

•  Equipment and Clothing:  This is a float tube trip so you will need a float tube, pump, waders w/belt, boots, fins, personal floatation device, whistle, rod, reel, flies, net, foot warmers and anything else as far as fishing goes.  Be sure that you bring warm and light clothes including polarized sunglasses and hat. Bring a waterproof jacket or rain poncho.  Dress in layers (bring your long underwear) and bring plenty of warm clothing. The weather there can change in a heartbeat from sunny to rain to snow to wind, so plan for all of it.  Never trust Mother Nature…..plan for everything.

How to RSVP for this trip:
Whether you are camping, or day tripping, you’ll need to do THREE things:

•  Use the RSVP form below


•  Book a “ticket” right below the RSVP form.  Be sure to indicate if you’ll be staying at the motel, camping, or day tripping.  You only need to hit the Submit button once!  It does NOT give you a conformation message; you WILL be able to see your booking in your My Events page.  If you plan to reserve a bed at the motel, there are 16 “bed” tickets available.  When you book your ticket, please indicate who you’d prefer to room with.  Remember, you and your roommate will pay the motel directly.  


•  Go to the Bayhorse discussion in the Member Forum to let us know if you will be bringing an RV or tent/car camping.  Please also indicate if you are sharing an RV or tent.

We have set up a Member Forum to discuss the details of our events.  Topics have already been set up.   Bayhorse discussion is HERE.

If you’re new to float tubing, we highly recommend you attend our intro to float tubes and float tube safety program at our March Meeting.  We also highly recommend that you attend our March and April day trips to get some experience on the water before you head to Bayhorse.

By registering for and attending this event, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our waiver of liability and hold harmless agreement.  Our waiver can be found HERE.  Thanks in advance for taking the time to review it.

You must be logged in to participate in RSVP. Login

Book Event

Form/ticket icon icon
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Available Tickets: 14

Please go to the Bayhorse discussion in the Member Forum to let us know if you will be bring an RV or tent/car camping.

The "Camping" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Form/ticket icon icon
Day Trip
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Available Tickets: 98

If you're just coming up for the day, let us know which day in the Bayhorse forum thread.

The "Day Trip" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Form/ticket icon icon
Form/up small icon icon Form/down small icon icon
Available Tickets: 98

Use this option if you are planning to book your own hotel/rental in Challis

The "Hotel/Rental" ticket is sold out. You can try another ticket or another date.
Total: 0


Jul 10 - 13 2025


All Day


Bayhorse Lake / Challis Hot Springs Campground
Challis Hot Springs – 5025 Hot Springs Road, Challis, ID 83226


Amy Haynes
QR Code