Knots and Rigging, with Matt Housel

Event details

  • Wednesday | February 21, 2024
  • 7:00 pm
  • 600 S Walnut Street, Boise

Matt Housel is a business owner, guide, and instructor with Vice Outdoors who has called the Boise area home for over 30 years. He has spent a good part of that time chasing fish with a fly all over Southern Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Northern Nevada, but he always seems to come back to the jewel that runs through the city of trees, a river that he loves.

As for the presentation, it will be hands-on learning about knots and rigging different fly systems ie, fishing two dries, a dry dropper, or two flies under an indicator, stripping streamers, or euro style. He is covering the whole gamut for us!

If you are testing the waters of the fly fishing world and want to see what it offers, whether that be understanding the gear, fly selection, or reading water, Matt is a great resource and loves to help.